"Targeting all your archery needs!"


Tuesday through Friday 10:00 – 6:00
Saturday 10:00 – 4:00
Closed Sunday & Monday

New to Archery


Why should you try archery?

  1. It’s a lifetime sport. Anyone–regardless of age, gender or athletic ability–can shoot archery. Start by taking an introductory class, then grow from there. Who knows, you could be a future Olympic medalist. Or just someone who enjoys shooting bows and arrows with friends on the weekend.
  2. Compete or shoot for fun. The choice is up to you! If you’re not the competitive type, archery is still your sport. Archery lets you go at your own pace, and you don’t have to keep score. You can enjoy it for exercise, or just for fun at the range with friends.
  3. Archery builds confidence. Archery is a great sport for building confidence quickly. The feeling of shooting a bow and accomplishing your goal–whether it’s drilling a bull’s eye or executing a great shot–helps you build self-esteem and enjoy a sense of accomplishment. Archery is also great for improving focus, patience and even math skills.
  4. Archery friends are the best friends. Whether you catch up at lessons and league nights or compete in tournaments, friends you make in archery can become lifelong buddies. Many of the country’s top archers have shot together on teams for years, and they’ve made new friends from countries worldwide. Archery is a universal language.
  5. You have tons of equipment choices. Archery isn’t “one-size-fits-all.” You can shoot a recurve, compound or bare bow. You can even try traditional archery and go Merida-style. Or you can use sights like Olympic archer Khatuna Lorig, or shoot instinctively like Katniss Everdeen. It’s not just about bows and arrows. It’s about the amazing array of accessories you can customize to make your archery experience unique.
  6. Health Benefits – Physical and Mental. Archery provides children and adults alike increased muscle tone, improves both small and large muscle motor control, and enhances hand/eye coordination. Archery can help reduce stress by enhancing mental focus, encouraging social skills, and improving self-confidence.

Everyone can enjoy archery, regardless of gender, age or athletic ability. It’s a great way to spend time together as family or with friends, and it’s a skill that can be used for hunting and fishing. 

The Arrow Shop offers a wide array of classes, as well as comprehensive training in the sport of archery. We provide a supportive environment for beginners, and opportunities for advancement and growth.

We believe archery is an activity that can be explored and enjoyed by everyone. Many people think they don’t have the physical strength, stamina or skill to try archery, but they found success in finding a solution custom fit for their ability and their budget.

Looking for more reasons to try archery? Visit Archery 360.

Ready to get started? 

Check out our class and program offerings here.

Can’t find what you need? Contact us to learn more about our innovative archery programs, or stop by to sign up for an introductory session.

Interested in classes or want more information? Send us an email and we'll get in contact with you.

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